Where did Jesus go after the last supper?

Correct! Wrong!

In the garden what did Jesus do?

Correct! Wrong!

While Jesus did this, what did the disciples do?

Correct! Wrong!

Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

Correct! Wrong!

Jesus was taken to the Roman governor, what was his name?

Correct! Wrong!

What did Jesus die on?

Correct! Wrong!

In which part of the Bible can you read about the death of Jesus?

Correct! Wrong!

The body of Jesus was put in a tomb owned by a man called . . .

Correct! Wrong!

From question 7: What do the other the 3 other parts the Bible talk about?

Correct! Wrong!

What two things were placed outside the tomb?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Pilot ordered guards to be placed outside the tomb, and a huge stone covered the entrance. There was also a roman seal that was a roman order, not a seal from the sea.

On the third day (Easer Sunday) what happened?

Correct! Wrong!

The tomb was not quite empty, left behind were folded grave clothes. Take a look in the Bible in John 20.1-9. And the Donkey that was Palm Sunday take a look at Quiz number 1.

Jesus was alive again, was does the Bible say about Jesus?

Correct! Wrong!

The Bible say that Jesus is the only way to God in Heaven. Read this, "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If we follow Jesus we can know God like a good heavenly father. What do you think?

Holy Week 2
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